domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2020

International Working Women's Day Coalition

International Working Women's Day Coalition "Can We Live?" Fightback Program Every Issue is a Woman's Issue • Free, quality healthcare and access to all reproductive choices • Paid maternity, childcare & family medical leave • $15-an-hour minimum wage and workers’right to organize & strike • Quality & affordable housing, mass transportation, public education and elimination of all student debt • Reparations & land returned to peoples of African descent and Indigenous nations • Life in a world without imperialist wars and occupation; defend sovereignty • An end to mass incarceration and police brutality • Full guaranteed rights for immigrants • Immediate freedom for all political prisoners • NO sexual and domestic violence,including rape • An END to: all forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia & discrimination against people with disabilities * Hands off pensions for seniors, retired workers; a livable income for ALL • A clean environment including clean water & air


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