domingo, 28 de junio de 2020
Description course: Language as Action Narrating Change
"...When we discovered we ourselves were the language..." -- Valzyna Mort James Baldwin said that the job of writers is to work to change the language. And that it takes a long time to do that. Writer/activist/educator June Jordan said: "We worry words. That's what poets do." In her poem "Belarusian 1, Valzyna Mort wrote: "...when we discovered we ourselves were the language..." Poet Adrienne Rich wrote : "...the moment of change is the only poem." In this class we will study and engage language as a live organism, poetry as a site for discovery. We will read poems mostly by contemporary and newly published poets living in the U.S (not necessarily identifying themselves as "of" the U.S.) and writing in English, who are, in my estimation, shifting culture, "becoming the language." The works we will engage disrupt conventional labels and terminologies, dare to re define, open up new spaces of human and poetic ecologies. The poets whose work we will explore include Ross Gay (National Book Award nominee, permaculturist, teacher), Aracelis Girmay, Michaela Moscaliuc, Yesenia Montilla, Tina Chang, Li Young Lee, Tracy K. Smith, Natalie Diaz.... and work the students bring to the class to share. The class will also write and share their writing. In April, national poetry month, the class will participate in "30/30" -- writing a poem a day and sharing it with the group. Guest poets to the class, tentatively, include: Tina Chang, Mihaela Moscali, Alexis De Veaux, Yesenia Montilla.
jueves, 18 de junio de 2020
Consumer Complaint Letter
521 Chauncey Street, Unit 3
Brooklyn, NY 11233
June 19th, 2020
Max Cohen
North Brooklyn Cycles
121 Knickerbocker Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Mr. Cohen:
On May 25th, I bought a converted single speed women’s bike, light blue color. I made this purchase at North Brooklyn Cycles, 121 Knickerbocker Avenue and I paid $300.00 on Venmo to “Max Cohen”, Venmo username: @Max-Cohen-30.
Unfortunately, the bike was not as advertised and has not functioned well. During the first week, the chain was loose and made a strange sound. I visited North Brooklyn Cycles on Friday, June 5th asking for help about this issue. A man explained to me that a new chain was needed. He said: “come back on Monday”. Next day, on Saturday June 6th, I was riding the bike when, all of a sudden, the back wheel and the chain got stuck. I visited North Brooklyn Cycles again, asking for a solution. The manager offered me a partial $200.00 refund or repair of the bike in a week. I chose the repair option.
It’s been two weeks since my bike has been in repair and I have not heard back. To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could complete the single speed conversion properly. It means removing the unnecessary bike parts (as rear gears cassette and the extra ring chain) and installing brand new parts for a single speed bike (like a cog and new chain). It also would be recommended to use spacers and other accessories to make sure that the back wheel, the chain and the front ring are perfectly aligned and straight. If you cannot repair the bike to a fully functioning state, I would appreciate and expect a full refund of the $300.00 I paid. Enclosed are copies of some documents concerning this purchase.
I look forward to your timely response and hope we can come to a resolution about this issue. I will wait until June 30th, 2020 before seeking third-party assistance. Please contact me at the above address or by phone +1 6462667220.
Arelis Uribe
Journalist and Writer
@arelis-uribe on Venmo
lunes, 15 de junio de 2020
martes, 2 de junio de 2020
Canción implacable, Mario Santiago Papasquiaro
Me cago en Dios
& en todos sus muertos
Me cago en la hostia
& en coñito de la virgen
Me cago en los muertos
Del Dios de Dios
en la soberbia de Federico Nietzsche
en el cuerpo tembloroso e mi alma
& en las ortigas al aire del ateo
en la muerte prematura de los justos
en la fugacidad del coito & sus centellas
en el verbo animal
En la imaginación—rizoma
En los textos del saber tan destetado
En la raja de los mundos
yo me cago
Concentrado en el incendio de mis poros
en este alcohol—maleza que me cimbra
en el ojo infinito de mis huellas
en el furor salvaje del desmadre
en la imposible muerte & sus ofrendas
en el barro del áspid que calienta en las rocas de la amada
en la levitación de mi calaca
en el cojo corazón de lo innombrable
En el aleph acuoso de mis llagas
en la vítrea desazón de mi asesino
en la mano del placer
en la droga anidada en sus colmillos
En el ogro filantrópico y su esposa
en la tumba del azar tan manoseada
en el germen de la lírica/que es caca
En la boñiga aérea
en las lagañas topas
en el cráneo de todo esplendor de Charleville
En las ratas que aún huyen del Mar Ebrio
en lo blando
en lo fofo
& en lo inerme
En el eructo del éter de los sapos
en las sangres hirvientes
en las sombras
en el rosa gargajo de las albas
en el vidrio insensato que he escogido como calle
en las barrancas de Venus tumefacta
En el platón del festín
en las bacinicas de la tregua en el hongo podrido & su tridente
En el genealógico tumor de la US Army
en el extenso linaje de la mierda
Abismo & resplandor / azar & viento
Vena abierta de cocxis a clavícula
Rezago de embriaguez
Llama de arpas embozadas
En las ingles sin axilas de Dios—inventamuertos
en el suave & múltiple rumor que hacen 2 lágrimas
: en el mar: en sus desiertos:
& en mí mismo.
lunes, 1 de junio de 2020
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