lunes, 19 de octubre de 2020

Mapudungun loanwords

The Mapudungun language has left a relatively small number of words in Chilean Spanish, given its large geographic expanse. Many Mapudungun loans are names for plants, animals, and places. For example:[25][26][27]

    cahuín:[28] a rowdy gathering; also malicious or slanderous gossip.
    copihue: Lapageria rosea, Chile's national flower.
    culpeo: the culpeo, or Andean fox, Lycalopex culpaeus.
    luma - Amomyrtus luma, a native tree species known for its extremely hard wood; also a police baton (historically made from luma wood in Chile).
    chape: braid.
    guarén: the brown rat.
    laucha: mouse.
    roquín: lunch, picnic
    cuncuna: caterpillar.
    pichintún: pinch, or very small portion.
    pilucho: naked.
    piñén: dirt of the body.
    guata: belly.
    machi: female Mapuche shaman.
    colo colo: pampas cat, Leopardus colocola.
    curi: black, dark.
    curiche: dark-skinned person.
    charquicán: a popular stew dish.
    malón: military surprise attack; also, a party.
    paila: bowl.
    ulpo: non-alcoholic drink made of toasted flour and water or milk.
    yapa: something extra or for free; a lagniappe.
    pilcha: shabby suit of clothing.
    huila: shredded, ragged.
    merkén: smoked chili pepper.
    funa: a demonstration of public denunciation and repudiation against a person or group. Also to be bored or demotivated, demoralized.
    huifa: wiggle with elegance, sensuality, and grace; also, interjection to express joy.
    pichiruchi: tiny, despicable, or insignificant.
    pololo: Astylus trifasciatus, an orange-and-black-striped beetle native to Chile; also, boyfriend.
    quiltro: mongrel, or stray dog.


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