jueves, 3 de febrero de 2022

Alguna vez Inti Illimani estuvo en El Bronx y Quilapayún en Town Hall (records by Patricia Pottlitzer)


00' 1. Inti-Illimani, Chilean singing group who was touring Europe at the time of the coup, in concert at Hostos Community College, Bronx, New York, October 1974.

03' 2. Quilapayún, Chilean singing group who, like Inti-Illimani, were leaders in the New Chilean Song Movement (La nueva canción chilena) and were in Europe at the time of the coup, in concert at Town Hall, March 1975.

05' 26 seconds of blank tape

06' 3. Members of Quilapayún watching a video of Víctor Jara singing. Jara helped the Quilapayún get started and sang with them for a few years. Taped in Macrh 1975.

07' 4. Members of Quilapayún talking about New Chilean Song Movement.

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